31 August 2016


Product reference Pogo 060

Pogo release brick without boxes included, also no assemble instruction (oh well then, any human should able to assemble it without instruction lol).

Even I didnt n not interesting to watch Batman Begin the movie, but on brick mode Scarecrow is damn cool, his face seems really meany and evil hahaha.

All spare part included,

Amazing detail and print, already make me freaked out haha.

He's just elected to be new coffee product Indocaffe white brown sugar,

OMG, so creeeeppyyy, this coffee product will booming because of him, look at his eye, full of evilness and his meany grin.

Here for phone home screen wallpaper(with watermark, coz i like it so much mwehehehe)

You dont need to drink the coffee to stay awake kids, just look into my EYEEESS

INDOCAFE White brown sugar:
-average(not strong, also not thick)

29 August 2016



Spiderman : Oh look my new hat, it's fit on my head

Greenberet : So here where my hats gone eh, I will take it in second from your head grrrrr

27 August 2016


Box reference no DLP9026

Today Im just going to mall killing time with my friend who sent his motorcycle to workshoop for routine tune up.

Looking some toy store there and there is a set of spider clone (because all the figure in the set contain of spiderman) O.o

Yes from 8 boxes of set contain special equip to be assemble to be 1 giant spider...but Im not interested..spider seems ugly lol.

Oh yea, I didnt really like spiderman brick because the head so plain(no helmet/mask).
But this one just ringing the bell for special photo i can set later hehe.

Ok unboxing timee(while ma friend finish his meal),

Material quality good and shiny I like it.  but the web equipment seems weird...
just a short assembling and here the final pose,

Acceptable..but still I think there must be something on his plain head lol.

24 August 2016


Boxs reference SY283

Just got a scuba diving Robin from community a few days ago when I buy another brick, it's not my priority brick, so I didnt pay much attention on him...

unassemble timeeee,

Surprisingly it have cool equipment which I just saw it by now like frog flip, diving glass, oxygen tube, and also handcuff.

The printing was awesome, the shiny part on torso and face(it have 2 face) are really good, here is the detail,

I just got idea of photogenic shoot when i drink water and saw him just sit on my desk lol.
Bad news as i saw him, he sudenly jump from the water and force to arrest me hu huuuu,

It's an mistake Sir Robin, Im not guilty, the bad guy was right behind you

23 August 2016


Box reference SY295

This is figure I choose to buy on set SY295, because the mechanism and wing style seems awesome.

Unboxing timee,

SY brand truely good quality, all part seems shiny here let me zoom it closer,

Detail and print are perfectly flawless.

Ok time to make him alive now...let me prepare my coffee first
. Today is though day I have to overtime work until night...
Eh lo..what are you doing??? this is my coffee, even in 1 sachet I can split it into 2 glass I wont share it with you!!! You're a bat, you supposely can wake without coffee..grrrrrr

And then I have to perform my 4 hit combo's on Batman

And my coffee safe and sound, here we go to keep my eyes open today,

hahah take that , the coffe is mineeeee 

Torabika Double Up
-The idea was binded 2 sachet of coffe with cheaper production cost.
-1 sachet is not enough
-2 sachet too sweet
-Coffee concentrate thin.

21 August 2016


Box reference no MX-J16.

There is 4 set in total, but imho, this figure is the best one than other.
The idea is make 2 in 1 minifigure.

Here what you meet inside the box(the snack behind was not inclulded),

Hmm..pretty full inside the shacet, this will take sometimes to assemble...
This brand quality not as good as other brand like SY/DECOOL/LELE, but still it's photogenic(good on photo).

Ok lets goes to first form(stop stare my snack backthere, it's minee),

See, on photo the truck seems pretty cute..and weird lol (pls be inform, the whells was not moveable).
Ok on 2nd form as Desert Scorpion here he is,

Seee, much better appreance isnt. I think it because his printing black glass on his face, also snipper gun on left hand.

Hmm....with the rest of spare part when figure assemble as figure, I think i can do something to build his truck,

Heaaaaah, did I told you before his foot is flexible because use balljoint build.

Yes, I put an red antena got from angry birds brick hehe, the truck seems even cutier like remote controled truck hehe.

And as you see the red glowing pipe back there...it's an spoiler for next post wehehehe


Box reference lele-79243

Last day goes to toy store to check whether any new brick, but mostly toys seems still same old stock. Just notice new stock Nexo soldier, but I didnt really like medieval series.

But still I check all set..seems weird medieval heroes have rapid bullet gun and weird weapon, until check this one seems pretty cool with red face n cape like Diablo.
Also his spear seems devastated. Ok I take him from store then.

Unboxing timee,

See, checking some part I already can smell awesome part like wing, cape, and spears..hmm I can use it for next project hehe.

Today just go bicycle with ma office collegue to the highland area just to take this Diablo photo..here we go,

One more time,

You know what, I take 2 kind of photo 1 is landscape, 1 is portrait

So I can use it perfectly both on PC wallpaper and Phone wallpaper.

Thats all for now for our new member El-Diablo 

20 August 2016


Just received an command to daylight ambush enemy headquarter.


Just driving arround, and find some cool spot.
Decide to stop and disguise like Chameleon,


Box number N/A
The box...I mean the tube series was unknown..no series, and all writen in chinnese,

Now lets untube and see what inside,

Im surprised my self when I open the tube, the print details was world class printing and equipment cutting detail was perfect, combined with good plastic material make this brick very good on photo.

After a while plug here and there we got completed figure like this,

Aiya...I fell terrible looking the result..there is something wrong here, why the green beret face look sad lol.

I think better some equipment replaced...like this,

See see, now he look bad ass without his funny hat, also a knife really do make different


Box reference OK1034-7

Ok I buy this brick merely coz his mask seems cool can opened/closed.

Unboxing time,

As ussual there is many pieces inside (like on black widow), which i think it's not really needed for display. My eyes goes to the silver gun (wait since when Ironman use gun?he have a powerfull canon on his hand isnt lol).

The mechanism seems a lil loose, but it does can shoot the bullet hardly, here a short video how strong the bullet power lol,

And here is how he appear,
Where we can buy brick which can burst fire from his foot and hand hahaha 
This stuff  also can replace your iron at home,

19 August 2016


Box reference SY295.

I didnt buy all set of SY295, becasue im not collector. Just buy what i like to buy.

Unboxing timee (i love to say it loudly heheh),

and just aware that brick plate have embossed "SY" logo,

I wonder if i can ask SY authority to make embossed "le*o" logo(if you know what i mean haha).

Ok, and after a while assemble it, here we got something upthere,

Psiuuuuuu......bjub bjub bjub....BLAARR BLAARRR BLAARR, and the enemy base destroyed 

This Red Chiroptera surely eye catching with bloody red colour suit, and homing missile on his back really cool with 180 degress range, can switch to jetpack.

I can say the material, the painting quality, the durability, is really good.
If i didnt mention the brand, i can say to other people that this is real lego toys, and they will belive it.

18 August 2016


Box reference SY295

In last 1 month im like got brick fever.

Yea just one day go to local toy store with my wife to buy some toys for my kid, my eyes look addorable lil box with nice cute female clown,
which known as Harley Quinn afer google the box series.

I can say she was first brick on my new journey recruiting another brick lol.

Ok enough for prologue, unboxing timeee,
Hmm..seems not too many pieces inside...honestly firstly i really want to buy this brick because her hammer is really cool looking.

And after a short plug here and there, here we got something,

KABOOOMMMMM...what a fiery hammer there hahaha.