Long time didnt upload gundam stuff, for now i share some shoot on WIP which get my attention.
Actually this is also my first HG i build(that time)
spare part so few, but i finish it in 6 day coz doing some experiment of removing nubmark or few detailing
a gold nip on the foot actually difficult, i retrying 3-5 times to get perfect nip lol
great articulation, can bend so far like this
identical runner for left and right part
the colour is so majestic
i cant believe i pay more just for this tentacle lol(good one the part is brand new 2017, not exiting part)
before compond
after compond..not really works anyway
before compond
after compond(the colour still different)
custom otakiri decal(the water decal is so fragile, need extra time to put it correctly
the sticker theme is cool, but the quality is really bad
ah for 1$ is ok la, just need to carefull on handling