25 June 2012


How kitchen works

Kitchen originally was build for HTC Desire, but now it supports most devices with Android OS.
Kitchen takes files from your rom and adds modifications you choose.
It works for most custom deodexed roms: Froyo (2.2) and Gingerbead (2.3).
You can use kitchen with stock odexed roms (if you have .odex files in your rom - kitchen works for you too)

How to use kitchen

1. Go to Kitchen page http://uot.dakra.lt/kitchen/

2. Browse through available mods and choose what you need (don't forget to press Generate preview if theris such button)

3. Go to File upload section and upload your files or choose rom from kitchen's list (most roms in the list is for HTC Desire)

Files needed to upload:
Froyo rom: framework-res.apk
Gingerbread rom: framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk
Gingerbread with sense rom: framework-res.apk, SystemUI.apk and com.htc.resources.apk
Cyanogenmod7 rom: Cyanbread.apk or Androidian.apk or any theme for ThemeChooser (rename as you like it to apear in theme menu)

NOTE 1: if you uploading theme apk - do not upload any other files (you just waisting trafic, because kitchen will ignore additional files)

NOTE 2: Font packs and Bootanimation do not requires uploading files.

4. Go to Summary section. All choosed mod must be in green background. If there is mod in red background - it means you did not finished it.

press Submit work to kitchen

5. Remember UOT file name. You can wait for a kitchen to cook your request, but after 5min waiting will be stopped (nothing to worry about).

6. Go to Pickup page http://uot.dakra.lt/pickup/ and wait for your file to appear (it can take up to 30min or more)

7. Download UOT zip into SD card of your phone

8. Reboot into recovery

9. Wipe cache and dalvik-cache (just in case). Do not make factory reset.

10. Flash UOT zip

11. Reboot phone

How get files for kitchen

Check your How-to page

What to do of the UOT-......... ZIP file

1. Reboot into recovery.
2. choose "install zip from sdcard"
3. choose "choose zip from sdcard"
4. locate your file UOT-... .zip in SD
5. confirm "YES - install UOT ... .zip"
6. wait for script to finish
7. reboot phone

If you cooked file for ThemeChooser - you can unzip UOT and install apk as regular one. After that - select new theme in Theme Chooser and reboot phone.

WARNING! Flash UOT file after you have first boot.
If you flashed new rom, boot up your phone first time
and after that reboot into recovery to flash UOT file.

What to do if you get SHTF error

Kitchen uses inteligent approach to your files and tryes to fix most of errors, but sometimes apk tools fails to recompile your files and kitchen can't do nothing.
If you get SHTF error and want to ask for help in forum - please, mention UOT file name and ROM or Theme you are using. Also, telling your device will be very helpfull.

If you using popular ROM/Theme - you can try to cook our corrected framework-res.apk from the list.


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